Nagpur : Diwali comes with light and happiness. An ode to good over evil, Diwali is a start of the new you with new clothes, sweets, snacks, time with family; a new beginning. Families save up for Diwali so that they can buy new clothes, order a variety of food and some jewellery maybe.
But, when your salary is ten thousand rupees or less per month, Diwali is celebrated a bit differently, maybe in a way like it should be, in its truest and purest form. Diwali has many interpretations when it comes to its significance.
The Real Diwali
One of them is that on Diwali, lights are lit to overcome dark desires and bad thoughts.
This is true in the case of individuals who cannot afford new clothes, sweets, jewellery or other materialistic things for their family even on the most significant festival in India. What they can afford to give is their time to their families, their efforts to keep them fed, have them educated and turn them into a better and more successful individual than they are.
Celebrating Life
The perpetual struggle that they go through culminates on the eve of Diwali where they celebrate being alive and significant in an extremely materialistic world. They celebrate together, parents and children, lighting Diya’s at the porch of their one room home, not loathing the rich in their ulta expensive clothes, or wanting anything that may hinder their sane celebration. It’s individuals, coming together, celebrating togetherness and preparing for a brighter future ahead.
If this is not Diwali then what is?